Swaddle Bathing Reference List 5/22/2023

  1. Edraki M, et al. Comparing the effects of swaddled and conventional bathing methods on body temperature and crying duration in premature infants: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of  Caring Sciences. 2014; 3 (2): 83-91. 

  2. Quiraishy K, et al. A protocol for swaddled bathing in the neonatal intensive care unit. NAINR. 2013; (1): 48-50.

  3. Hall K. Practicing developmentally supportive care during infant bathing: reducing stress through swaddle bathing. Infant. 2008; 4(6): 198-201.  

  4. Liaw J, et al. Effects of tub bathing procedures on preterm infants’ behavior. Journal of Nursing Research. 2006; 14 (4): 297-305.

  5. VanSleuwen, BE, et al. Swaddling: a systemic review.  Pediatrics. 2006; 120(4): 1097-1106.

  6.  Fern D, et al, Swaddled bathing in the newborn intensive care unit. Newborn and Infant  Nursing Reviews. 2002; 2(1), 3-4

  7. Peters, KL. Bathing premature infants: physiological and behavioral consequences.  Am J Crit   Care. 1998; 7(2): 90-100

  8. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Fetus and Newborn and Section on Surgery, Canadian Pediatric Society and Fetus and Newborn Committee. “Prevention and Management of Pain in the Neonate: An Update.” Pediatrics 118 (2006) 2231-2241

  9. Anderson GC, et al. Axillary temperature in transitional newborn infants before and after tub   bath.  Appl Nurs Res. 1995; 8:123-128.

  10. Andrews C, Whatley D, Smith M, et al. Quality-Improvement Effort to Reduce Hypothermia Among High-Risk Infants on a Mother-Infant Unit. Pediatrics. 2018;141(3): e20171214.

  11. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).  Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline.  2018; 41-53.

  12. ALS H,  et al.  Early experience alters brain function and structure. Pediatrics. 2004; 113: 845- 857.

  13. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).  Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline.  2018; 41-53.

  14. Bembich, S, et al. Preterm Newborn Adaptive Responses to Daily Nursing during Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Stay, Associate with Neurodevelopment, 2 Years Later. Am J Perinatol.  2021.  Online publication 23 Nov 2021

  15. Blume-Peytavi, et al. Skin Care Practices for Newborns and Infants: Review of the Clinical
    Evidence for Best Practices.  Pediatric Dermatology 2012. 29(1): 1-14.

  16. Brogan, J. et al. Implementing Evidence-Based Neonatal Skin Care with Parent-Performed Delayed Immersion Baths.  Nursing for Women’s Health.  2017; 21(6) 442-450.

  17. Bryanton J, et al. Tub bathing versus traditional sponge bathing for the newborn.  J Obstet  Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2004; 33:704-712.

  18. Çaka SY, Gözen D. Effects of swaddled and traditional tub bathing methods on crying and physiological responses of newborns. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2018;23:e12202

  19. Ceylan SS, Bolisik. Effects of swaddled and sponge bathing methods on signs of stress and pain in premature newborns: Implications for Evidence-Based Practice. World Views on Evidence Based Nursing. 2018; 15: 296-303.  doi 10.1111/wvn.12299

  20. Cole J, et al. Tub baths or sponge baths for newborn infants? Mother Baby J. 1999;4:39-43

  21. Craig, JW, et al. Recommendations for involving the family in developmental care of the NICU baby.  Journal of Perinatology. 2015 Dec: 35(Suppl 1): S5-S8.

  22. Dag, YS, et al. The Effect of Massage, Wipe Bathing and Tub Bathing on physiological measurements of late premature newborns: A randomized controlled trial.  JONN. 2022; 164-169.

  23. Dyer JA. Newborn skin care.  Seminars in Perinatology 2013; 37: 3-7

  24. Elsharkawy, ALH, et al. Effect of Swaddle Bathing on Neonatal Thermal Stability and Cardiorespiratory parameters. ASNJ 2022; 24(4): 79-90

  25. Ernst KD, Makkar A. The opiod-exposed neonate: a Review of the Oklahoma Experience. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018 October; 111(8): 768–774.

  26. Fern D, et al, Swaddled bathing in the newborn intensive care unit. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews. 2002; 2(1), 3-4. 

  27. Fernández, D., & Antolín-Rodríguez, R., Bathing a Premature Infant in the Intensive Care
    Unit: A Systematic Review, Journal of Pediatric Nursing (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2018.05.002

  28. Finn, M, et al. Swaddled bathing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Neoreviews 2017; 18(8).

  29. Freitas, P. et al, (2018). Effect of two immersion bathing techniques on the axillary temperature of preterm newborns: A pilot study. Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 27(1), e0580016. Epub March 22, 2018. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0104-070720180000580016

  30. Garcia Bartels et al.  Influence of bathing or washing on skin barrier function in newborns
    during the first four weeks of life.  Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. 22, 248-257.

  31. Gunay U, et al. The Effect of Tub Bathing on the Newborns’ Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. IJCS 2018; 11(2) 1132.

  32. Henningsson A, Nystrom G, Tunness R. Bathing or Washing Babies after birth? Lancet
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  33. Huang, Y, et al. Effects of swaddled and traditional tub bathing on stress and physiological parameters of preterm infants: A randomized clinical trial in China. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 64 (2022) e154-e158.

  34. Liaw J et al. Relationships between nurse care-giving behaviours and preterm infant responses during bathing: A Preliminary study.  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2006; 19(1-2): 89-99.

  35. Liu, FL, et al, The development of potentially better practices to support the neurodevelopment of infants in the NICU. Journal of Perinatology. 2007;27: S48-S74

  36. Loring C, Gregory K, et al. Tub bathing improves thermoregulation of the late preterm infant. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2012; 41(2): 171-9

  37. Lund C. Bathing and Beyond Advances in Neonatal Care, Oct 2016; Vol. 16, No. 5S, S13-S20

  38. MacMullen NJ, et al. Evidence-Based Interventions for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.     
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  39. Medves JM, O’Brien B.  The Effect of Bather and Location of First Bath on Maintaining
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  40. Melynyk, B, et al. Reducing premature infants’ length of stay and improving parents’ mental     health outcomes with the creating opportunities for parent empowerment (COPE) neonatal     intensive care unit program: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics.  2006; 118; e114-1427

  41. Merenstein, GB, et al. Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care,  sixth addition. Missouri: Moby Elsevier, 2006

  42. Milgrom J, et al. Earl sensitivity training for parents of preterm infants: impact on the               developing brain. Pediatr Res. 2010 Mar;67(3):330-5.

  43. Mohamed, et al. Effect of Swaddle Bathing vs. Traditional Bathing on Physiological Stability and Comfort level among Neonates.  Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal. 2022; 10(28): 68-79.

  44. Nishino T, et al. Effects of Temperature and Position Change on Neonatal Brain Regional Oxygen Saturation in Tub Bathing:  A Prospective Study. 2021. Pain Ther. Online 14 July 2021.

  45. Paran M, Edraki M, Montaseti S, Razavi Nejad M, Comparing the Effects of Swaddle and Conventional Bathing Methods on Behavioral Responses in Preterm NeonatesIJN.. 2016; NOV, 7(4) DOI:10.22038/ijn.2016.777

  46. Passos JOS, Gomes DC, de Almeida VA, Filho GGF, Monteiro KS (2017) Newborns’ Behavioral Adaptations during Hot Tub Bath: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 6(3): 00245. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2017.06.0024

  47. Rudhiati, F. and Murtiningsih Murtiningsih , Effects of Swaddle Bath on Temperature, Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation in Premature Infants.  The International Virtual Conference on Nursing, KnE Life Sciences, 852–862. DOI 10.18502/kls.v7i2.10386 

  48. Sailer, E. (Sept 2018) Splish Splash Swaddle Bath (Delayed Swaddle Immersion Bath). Poster
    presented at Academy of Neonatal Nursing Fall Conference, New Orleans, LA.1.

  49. Santos HM, et al. Swaddle bathing in premature babies in a neonatal unit: the practice from the perspective of nurses. Rev Rene. 2020;21: e42454.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20202142454

  50. Smith, CG, et al. NICU stress is associated with brain development in preterm infants. Ann Neurol. 2011 Oct; 70(4): 541-549.  

  51. Tau GZ, Peterson BS. Normal Development of Brain Circuits. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010;35(1):147-168. doi:10.1038/npp.2009.115.

  52. Suchy, C., et al.  Does Changing Newborn Bath procedure Alter Newborn Temperatures and Exclusive Breast feeding? Neonatal Network. 2018, 37(1): 4-10

  53. Swapna, G., et al. Relative Effectiveness of Swaddle Bath and Conventional Bath on Level of Thermal Stability and Crying Duration among Preterm Infants at Selected Hospital in North
    India. ICCRJNR. Jan-Jun 2017, 2(1): 34-54.

  54. Tambunan, et al. Bathing Method for Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review” in Selection and Peer-review under the responsibility of the ICHT Conference Committee, KnE Life Sciences, pages 1-11. DOI 10.18502/dls.v4i13.5220 

  55. Tasdemir, HI, Efe E. The effect of tub bathing and sponge bathing on neonatal comfort and physiological parameter in late preterm infants: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 99(2019): 103377

  56. World Health Organization, United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, The World Bank.  Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care: A Guide for Essential Practice.  2013.